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Why Do Dentists Recommend CBCT Scans?

A dentist explains the details of their patient's dental x-rays.

Dental anxiety is a common experience marked by feelings of fear, stress, or apprehension towards dental visits, to such an extent that patients will put off their dental appointments, directly impacting their oral health.  Learning how modern dental tools and procedures work can help alleviate these concerns.  CBCT scans are a valuable tool in dental […]

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Gingivitis vs. Periodontitis: What’s the Difference?

A man standing against a blue background and holding his right hand to his cheek with a pained expression

Your smile is important—its health is an indication of your oral health and well-being, but conditions like gingivitis and periodontitis can have a significant impact on it if left untreated.  While gingivitis and periodontitis are terms that are often used interchangeably, they actually represent different stages of gum disease, each with its own characteristics and […]

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