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How to Cure TMJ Permanently?

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A woman suffering from TMJ holds her left cheek with both her hands.

Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder is a painful condition affecting the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. For some, TMJ can disappear completely with proper treatment and management, ranging from physical therapy to surgery. 

With the help of your dental team, you can uncover the best treatment option to cure your TMJ.

What Is TMJ?

TMJ disorder affects the hinge joint connecting your jawbone to your skull, leading to pain, discomfort, and difficulty in jaw movement. It can also impact surrounding areas such as the ears, head, neck, and shoulders. If left untreated, TMJ can cause long-term complications, including permanent joint dysfunction.

Symptoms of TMJ

Symptoms of TMJ disorder vary from person to person. They can radiate to other parts of the body, making it difficult to diagnose without a thorough examination by a dental professional.

Common symptoms can include: 

  • Jaw pain on either or both sides
  • Shoulder or neck pain
  • Stiffness in the jaw or neck
  • Difficulty opening or closing your mouth
  • Jaw clicking or popping
  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Tinnitus, or ringing in the ears
  • Toothaches
  • Malocclusion, or change in your bite

Causes of TMJ

Several elements can cause TMJ disorder, including:

  • Teeth grinding, or bruxism
  • Jaw trauma, such as a break or dislocation
  • Arthritis
  • Stress
  • Poorly aligned teeth or a misaligned bite
  • Genetic predisposition, infections, or hormonal changes

Can You Cure TMJ?

Yes, with proper treatment and lifestyle modifications, it is possible to cure TMJ permanently. The key is to address both the symptoms and underlying causes. Treatment options range from conservative therapies to surgical interventions, depending on severity.

1. Visit a Dentist for Diagnosis & Treatment

The first step toward curing TMJ is consulting a dentist or TMJ specialist. They will assess your jaw alignment and recommend appropriate treatments, such as:

  • Wearing a nightguard to prevent teeth grinding
  • Using a dental splint to realign the jaw
  • Undergoing orthodontic treatment for misaligned teeth

2. Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help realign the jaw and strengthen surrounding muscles, offering long-term relief. Techniques include:

  • Electrical stimulation to promote healing
  • Jaw exercises to improve mobility
  • Soft tissue mobilization to relax tense muscles

3. Nonsurgical Treatments Options

Your dentist may recommend alternative, non-invasive methods to treat TMJ, such as:

  • Trigger point injections (corticosteroids or botox)
  • Ultrasound therapy to increase blood flow and relax muscles
  • Lifestyle adjustments (avoiding hard foods, chewing gum, and maintaining good posture)
  • Stress management techniques, including mindfulness and relaxation exercises

4. Surgical Options for Severe TMJ Cases

If conservative treatments fail, surgical intervention may be necessary. Procedures include:

  • Arthroscopy – A minimally invasive surgery to remove scar tissue, reposition the joint disk, or reshape the bone
  • Open-joint surgery – A more extensive procedure for severe cases

Surgery is typically reserved for individuals with persistent pain and significant jaw dysfunction.

How to Prevent TMJ

Preventing TMJ from returning requires proactive lifestyle changes:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene and jaw care habits
  • Avoid excessive chewing of gum or hard foods
  • Practice proper posture to reduce strain on the jaw
  • Use relaxation techniques to manage stress
  • Take regular breaks if working long hours in a sitting position
  • Stay physically active to promote overall muscle health
A female dentist in blue scrubs and a woman sitting in a dentist's chair looking at a tablet and smiling.

Visit Your Dentist to Protect Your Jaw

If you experience jaw pain, teeth grinding, or headaches, mention them to your dental team. Even if the symptoms seem unrelated, such as neck stiffness or earaches, it’s worth mentioning to your dentist. By thoroughly assessing your jaw, we can help uncover the cause of your discomfort. Visit the team at Palermo Village Dental for your next dental exam.

Posted in TMJ

Written by Dr. Christopher Blair

Dr. Christopher Blair completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree at the University of Toronto. He is an avid cyclist and has often combined his passion for cycling with charitable endeavours. Most notably, Dr. Blair is passionate about his efforts to raise funds to support kids living with cancer and who are cancer survivors. Through his participation in Tour for Kids, Dr. Blair has raised thousands of dollars to support Camp Trillium, Camp Quality, and Camp Oochegeas, 3 camps in the Toronto area that support kids living with cancer.

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