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Category: Solea Dental Laser

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Why Do I Wake Up With a Sore Throat Every Morning?

A woman that just woke up sitting up in her bed holding her throat in discomfort with one hand and a glass of water in the other

Are you suffering from a sore throat every morning? You’re not alone! Sore throats come in lots of different forms and can be caused by many different things. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common causes of sore throats and how you can remedy them. We’ll also talk about the importance […]

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How Do Dentists Fix Cavities?

A close-up view of a dentist using a small handheld mirror to better view a cavity

Cavities are common conditions your dentist can treat, but how do they do this? Your dentist has several ways to address tooth decay effectively with today’s technology. No matter the severity, your cavity can be dealt with.  Continue reading to learn more about how dentists fix cavities, including the different procedures available.  How Do Cavities […]

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