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Category: Orthodontics

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How to Fix Crooked Teeth

A young person wearing a white shirt smiles confidently and points towards their straight white teeth.

Everyone deserves to feel confident showing off their smile. However, many people feel self-conscious about their crooked teeth. Fortunately, with modern dental advancements, achieving a straight and healthy smile is more accessible than ever. The most common ways to fix crooked teeth are traditional braces or clear aligner trays. Ultimately, the best way to fix […]

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Things You Shouldn’t Eat with Braces

A young person that has braces eating oatmeal with small pieces of fruit and berries in it.

Navigating the world of braces can be a transformative journey toward achieving that perfect smile. But one of the things to consider before opting for braces is the potential dietary challenges one might face. Generally, you shouldn’t eat hard, sticky, or chewy foods with braces. Fortunately, there are often suitable options for most people to […]

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