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Category: General Dentistry

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Why Do Dentists Recommend CBCT Scans?

A dentist explains the details of their patient's dental x-rays.

Dental anxiety is a common experience marked by feelings of fear, stress, or apprehension towards dental visits, to such an extent that patients will put off their dental appointments, directly impacting their oral health.  Learning how modern dental tools and procedures work can help alleviate these concerns.  CBCT scans are a valuable tool in dental […]

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How to Stop Bleeding Gums

A close-up of a woman's teeth while she pulls her lower lip down to reveal bleeding in her gums.

Oral health is a significant aspect of everyone’s overall well-being. It’s not uncommon for people to experience bleeding gums from time to time. However, continued bleeding gums can indicate a more serious oral health issue that should be addressed immediately, such as gum disease. The good news is that there are several measures to help […]

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How Do Dentists Fix Cavities?

A close-up view of a dentist using a small handheld mirror to better view a cavity

Cavities are common conditions your dentist can treat, but how do they do this? Your dentist has several ways to address tooth decay effectively with today’s technology. No matter the severity, your cavity can be dealt with.  Continue reading to learn more about how dentists fix cavities, including the different procedures available.  How Do Cavities […]

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What Your Dentist Looks for at a Dental Check-Up

A note on a calendar from a dentist showing a date for a dental check-up

Everybody loves having a beautiful, shining smile, but managing your family’s oral health can seem daunting. Between everything else in your busy life, it may be tempting to put off a dental appointment, especially if you aren’t noticing issues with your or your family’s gums or teeth—but avoiding a check-up could lead to serious problems. […]

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