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Can Braces Help Fix TMJ?

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A young man squinting while rubbing his jaw due to TMJ pain.

If you’ve ever noticed pain and discomfort in your jaw, like a constant pounding and uncomfortable pulsing feeling, you were probably dealing with something called TMJ disorder. This common problem occurs when you strain or damage the delicate joints and muscles that control your jaw. Fortunately, TMJ disorder is easily treatable.

If your TMJ disorder is caused by a problem with the alignment of your teeth or bite, your dentist may recommend braces or a similar alternative. By restoring a proper structure to your teeth, you’ll be reducing strain on the surrounding area, making braces an effective way to prevent TMJ.

What Is TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint, often referred to as the TMJ, is the hinge-style joint that connects your lower jaw to your skull. It plays a crucial role in your ability to chew, speak, bite down, and move your jaw.

Located on each side of the skull, the TMJ acts as a sort of sliding hinge. When it functions properly, you can smoothly and swiftly move your jaw about as needed. However, when this joint is inflamed or irritated, it quickly leads to a pulsing and pounding feeling.

This condition—also known as TMJ or TMJ disorder—primarily affects the jaw and nearby muscles. It causes pain, discomfort, and overall soreness, making daily activities like talking or eating much more uncomfortable.

The Symptoms of TMJ

Recognizing the symptoms of TMJ is crucial for early diagnosis and treatment. Here are some common signs that you might be dealing with TMJ disorder:

  • Jaw pain on one or both sides of the jaw
  • Clicking or popping sounds: Sounds when opening or closing your mouth
  • Difficulty chewing, and discomfort when biting down and opening your mouth wide.
  • Headaches and earaches
  • Facial swelling

If you’re dealing with these symptoms, it’s likely TMJ disorder.

What Causes TMJ?

So what exactly causes TMJ? Just like other muscles, the joint of your jaw can only take so much strain. Any habit or event that damages or strains this joint or the surrounding muscles can quickly lead to inflammation.

Some common causes of TMJ disorder include:

  • Bite misalignment: When your teeth do not fit together correctly, it can put extra stress on the temporomandibular joint, leading to TMJ disorder.
  • Injury: Trauma to the jaw, such as a direct blow or whiplash, can damage the temporomandibular joint and result in TMJ symptoms.
  • Grinding or clenching teeth: Habitually grinding or clenching your teeth, especially during sleep, can put excessive pressure on the TMJ, leading to discomfort and pain.
  • Stress: High levels of stress can cause muscle tension in the jaw, exacerbating TMJ symptoms and contributing to their development.

However, identifying the cause of your TMJ pain is only part of the solution.

How to Treat TMJ

If you’re dealing with TMJ, your first step should be to visit the dentist. They’ll be able to assess the area to determine what’s causing your problem.

Usually, treatment involves soothing the area and trying to prevent further problems. Your dentist will likely recommend:

  • Using a mouthguard while sleeping to prevent tooth grinding
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medication
  • Therapy exercises designed to strengthen, stretch, and loosen the jaw muscles
  • Avoiding sticky or chewy foods

Before recommending any treatment, your dentist will need to thoroughly examine the area. They’ll identify the root cause of your symptoms to determine the right way to treat your condition. And if they believe that your problem is being caused by a problem with the alignment of your teeth, they may recommend braces.

Braces for TMJ Pain

Think of your natural bite alignment like a puzzle, with your teeth being the pieces. When they fit together properly, things are smooth and efficient. If the pieces are damaged, misaligned, or shaped incorrectly, the puzzle becomes much more problematic.

Sometimes, your teeth simply don’t fit together as they should. If this is the case, your jaw will naturally be shifted out of place, leading to an improper bite. Every time you bite down, chew, or put your teeth together in any way, you’re putting unusual strain on the muscles around your jaw.

A young woman smiling while a dentist checks her braces.

This is when braces can be helpful. Braces can apply pressure to your teeth and gradually shift them towards a more desired position. Over time, this can slowly reduce the symptoms of your TMJ and prevent future problems, making braces an extremely effective way to deal with this condition!

Don’t Deal with TMJ Alone

TMJ pain can be frustrating, but there’s no need to suffer in silence—at Palermo Village Dental, we can help. If you’re dealing with TMJ symptoms, come talk to our team. We can examine the area and provide you with a proper plan going forward so you can find relief from your TMJ. Don’t deal with the discomfort alone; book an appointment with our team today!

Posted in TMJ

Written by Dr. Christopher Blair

Dr. Christopher Blair completed his Doctor of Dental Surgery Degree at the University of Toronto. He is an avid cyclist and has often combined his passion for cycling with charitable endeavours. Most notably, Dr. Blair is passionate about his efforts to raise funds to support kids living with cancer and who are cancer survivors. Through his participation in Tour for Kids, Dr. Blair has raised thousands of dollars to support Camp Trillium, Camp Quality, and Camp Oochegeas, 3 camps in the Toronto area that support kids living with cancer.

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